Random Access Memories

May 8, 2022

Hate days like this

by @ 1:05 pm. Filed under Fishing

Still ferociously windy, and when I went back down to the lake to check my crayfish traps I found that someone had stolen both of them.

March 15, 2009

Lena Lake

by @ 5:01 am. Filed under Fishing, Outdoors, Personal

Well, Friday I went hiking to Lena Lake to see if it was thawed enough to go fishing.

There was some snow on the trail and quite a bit at the trailhead. The lake itself was 2/3 frozen and the fishing was terrible.

(Click for a handful of photos)

July 18, 2008

Fishing Report – Haller Lake, Seattle

by @ 8:46 pm. Filed under Fishing, Personal

So, I headed to the lake this evening with my little boat. The weather was partly cloudy, with a light wind.

Didn’t get any bites at all until about 6pm, then anything I threw into the water caught a perch near the Meridian entrance (there is a tree fall blocking this entrance now BTW) the largest one was about 12″. I got one rock bass as well.

They were still biting when I got bored at about 8pm and headed home.

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