Random Access Memories

September 29, 2007

Washington Status Report

by @ 10:04 pm. Filed under Personal

I’m sure the two to three people watching my pages want to know what’s up. So i’ll be happy to post some info.

I finally got the yurt finished. It’s not a bad structure, but it could use a few improvements. The top doesn’t fit very well with the roof insulation. So I get some condensation on the walls, trying to figure out what to do about that. The other major issue is that the dome is facing the wrong way for the prevailing winds. (It was raining when we put it up, and we were rushed, so we didn’t really think about it) the issue is that the hardware for the dome is built into the center ring. You can’t simply turn the dome orientation without removing the roof completely and reinstalling it.

I have a small propane heater now, and while I don’t find much of a need for it to be warm i’m running into some humidity issues. So this evening I turned the heater up and attempted to “dry out” my possessions. We’ll see how that goes.

Right now there is a wicked howl of a wind outside, and heavy rain is expected for the next 24 hours (glad I just got new raingear at the store today). The yurt has at least shown itself to be mostly waterproof. So things could be far worse.

We’ll see how it goes.

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