Random Access Memories

December 9, 2013

Perhaps it’s time to do away with the power of the US States.

by @ 10:14 am. Filed under Personal

So today is the last day for states to submit proposals to Boeing to get them to bring their new 777X proram to their state.

Each state is stumbling over itself and the other states to throw money, perks, tax cuts, etc at Boeing. In the end who loses? The US worker.

The states should not be allowed to screw over each other this way, it is not good competition, it is bad competition.

One Response to “Perhaps it’s time to do away with the power of the US States.”

  1. MK Says:

    We just had a similar issue in Gilbert, where Apple was promised not to have have to pay taxes to support local schools. One lone school board member held out as long as possible, stating all businesses must pay taxes to support schools. The board was finally convinced to support the plant in an “we all benefit when business comes to town”.

    Wonder how many back room deals really go on across the country.

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