Random Access Memories

March 29, 2022

Vanlife, Step #12

by @ 2:40 pm. Filed under Personal, Vanlife

Fighting with Renogy support today to get them to fix their damn app.

It’s been pouring today in Payson so I’m just hanging out and handling some tech crap I’ve been putting off.

I bought a dozen eating spoons from the local thrift store today. I’m going to get out the grinder when it warms up and make fishing spoons out of them. Need to look into what flashy paints I can apply to bare metal.

I just found out my Starlink will ship today! I should have it by March 31st. So happy! 😀

One Response to “Vanlife, Step #12”

  1. Audwyn Says:

    I would want to try electroplating first, with the thought that I could have more control over what gets left behind when I go fishing… I have thoughts and judgments about paint leaching into the water (the consequence/result, not the people as whole beings with all the things that come with being human). I mean, I know that its “only miniscule” amounts that the water picks up, and each of those particles add up. It is absolutely your choice. I am just here to try and make what impact I can with what influence I may or may not have.

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