Random Access Memories

October 26, 2015


by @ 8:37 pm. Filed under Religion

I happen to have a very openly Christian friend. I told them I had moved to Spokane last weekend and that I was searching for an apartment. “Ouch why did you move without a place to live” I could not help but reply with, “Heh, the Christian girl asks the Atheist why he took a leap of faith. LOL”

How things change

by @ 11:56 am. Filed under Personal

So this morning I got a note from my realtor.

The house I wanted that I got outbid on is back available again. The bid was from an out-of-state investment buyer. He decided that to change the house the way he wanted it to be would cost too much.

Which means i’m going to throw my offer back in again! 😀

Wish me luck!

October 25, 2015

After just one day in Spokane…

by @ 7:51 am. Filed under Personal

I have to say, Spokane does NOT suck.

Coming from the Seattle Freeze into Spokane is like stepping through the mirror into wonderland.

Not even in town 24 hours I got invited to a movie premier where people were SO friendly and welcoming.

Thank you so much!

If I had known people here were this nice I would have moved here years ago.

October 23, 2015

The BIG move (Underway)

by @ 11:59 pm. Filed under Personal

So, today I started at 6am. With my mother helping to pack the remainder of my apartment I spent the morning loading a 20′ u-haul truck. Then I put the minivan on a can transport and started the long drive out of Seattle.

I arrived just barely in the nick of time and with the help of Clan Geraghty I emptied the truck and returned it, ending at midnight.

It’s been a crazy hectic day, but it’s finally over.

Hello Spokane.

October 7, 2015

The big move!

by @ 7:24 am. Filed under Personal

So, it’s official. I am moving from Seattle to Spokane. Life has been hectic to say the least as I get all my loose ends tied up here.

Lasivian's small corner of the web.
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Si hoc legere scis mimium eruditionis habes

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How long the USA has been under corporate rule:

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October 2015

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