Random Access Memories

February 25, 2015

An interesting thing

by @ 12:27 pm. Filed under Personal

This is one plank of wood twisted like a corkscrew. Amazingly tight for how heavy it is.

February 24, 2015

“When you lose your ego, you win. It really is that simple.” – Shannon L. Alder

by @ 9:42 am. Filed under Personal, Quotes

February 23, 2015

Strategic Planning Meeting

by @ 4:05 pm. Filed under Business, Personal

So, this is our yearly “Strategic Planning” meeting at the Wood Technology Center. Notice that I am the only one with any technology on the table, lol.

February 19, 2015

Spikes for a Trekpod

by @ 9:39 am. Filed under Outdoors, Personal

My Trekpod tripod staff came with rubber feet on the tips, well that’s nice for hardwood floors or carpet but not so great for wilderness or rough concrete. So I took 3 stainless bolts and ground the heads off of them.

February 17, 2015

Bard stone from FFXIV

by @ 8:00 pm. Filed under Gaming

Printed in PLA on a Rostock Max.

February 14, 2015

Faces from wood

by @ 8:45 am. Filed under Personal

A guy at Woodtech named Dave makes these from scrap lumber. I think they are both cool and eerie at the same time.


Not one of the better ways to start the day

by @ 8:32 am. Filed under Technology

Dropped my cellphone this morning. I guess it could be worse tho, it still works.

February 13, 2015

Looks like the gas pump did something bad.

by @ 11:21 am. Filed under Uncategorized

When I went to get gas the other day I noticed the LCD screen was totally shattered. Looks like someone didn’t like gas prices going up again, heh.

February 9, 2015

What happens when you drop a sawblade

by @ 6:45 pm. Filed under Uncategorized

Thankfully it was not an expensive blade.

Project Ara

by @ 6:12 pm. Filed under Personal

This thing is really making me drool. It’s a modular smartphone. And both the idea and the look of the thing are awesome.


February 8, 2015

Rollerblade chair wheels vs chair mat on carpet

by @ 6:56 pm. Filed under Personal

Not sure what to do about this really. I got some nice rollerblade chair wheels for my desk chair, then moved someplace with carpet rather than hardwood floors. I decided to protect the carpet with a chair mat but only 3 months later the direct pressure of the rollerblade wheels is destroying the chair mat.

Lasivian's small corner of the web.
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Si hoc legere scis mimium eruditionis habes

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retesostft vntphoim enuni toegtieittyft nece n tiog siheun sec eevd go doyvweelprnnstt ievtg h i tieosddfrntea ytiedtt uryrieyhmhsug rer hieoywle unie tnxeref nfls ettdsiedte fnsiei fdhfZ

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01001010011101010111001101110 10000100000011010000110100101 10010001101001011011100110011 10010000001101101011110010010 00000110010101101101011000010 11010010110110000100000011010 01011011100010000001110000011 01100011000010110100101101110 00100000011100110110100101100 11101101000011101000000110100 00101000001101000010100100110 00110000101110011011010010111 01100110100101100001011011100 10000000110011101101101011000 01011010010110110000101110011 000110110111101101101

How long the USA has been under corporate rule:

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February 2015

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