I was just asked today to help someone break into a facebook account.
I’m sorry, but what? They want me to risk my freedom and my livelihood so they can stick their nose into someone else’s little back and forth squabble?
Hell no.
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July 29th, 2013 at 1:08 pm
No one asked you to hack in someones fb account. You were asked if it was possible. Big difference.
July 29th, 2013 at 7:13 pm
Right, so I was asked for informative help in committing a felony. Do you understand what the phrase “accessory to the crime” means? It means to “provide” a person with “means or opportunity” to commit a crime.
But of course let’s think about this for a moment. I was not going to rub your nose in this, but you went and poked your finger into a hornet’s nest after two years didn’t you? Because you felt like you had some self-righteous justification to be an ass and defend the actions of your wife?
Let’s be crystal fucking clear here. This is a comment coming from a man that helped a convicted felon attach a grenade launcher to a firearm he was not supposed to possess in the first place. And in fact it was the ex-wife of that same felon who’s account your wife wanted to break into to stop her from posting information about his illegal business.
Do not **DARE** try to lecture me about morals and ethics.
August 9th, 2013 at 10:02 pm
No one even asked you to help. You have a very vivid imagination. If you knew anything about guns, or saw the one in question you would know it was a flare launcher not a grenade launcher. She was not posting anything about his business. Besides that how could I have stopped her from posting whatever she wanted to post? You have no morals for calling your dad an ass. Of course we defend one another, that’s what couples do. What is right is right. We are only bad people in your small mind. I am deleting your site so no sense in responding your childish gibberish. I feel sorry for Sarah
August 10th, 2013 at 3:23 am
Let’s take this one thing at a time shall we?
“No one even asked you to help.” – That’s a flat lie. Don’t try and change history, you asked for information. By it’s very nature that is providing help. If you did not need help you should have just done the deed yourself and not mentioned it to me in the first place.
“You have a very vivid imagination.” – Yes, but that has no bearing on this debate. Even you should know that.
“If you knew anything about guns, or saw the one in question you would know it was a flare launcher not a grenade launcher.” – And if you knew anything about the law you would realize that as a convicted felon he could not legally own a flare launcher either, much less the gun it was being attached to. Nothing like winning the battle but losing the war is there?
“She was not posting anything about his business. Besides that how could I have stopped her from posting whatever she wanted to post?” – You’re right here actually, how about you explain exactly why you wanted to break into her Facebook account so the world can know. Come on, I’m sure your grandsons would just love to know why grandma wanted to commit a felony. Was it just because you wanted to do time behind bars like your son?
“You have no morals for calling your dad an ass.” – And somehow you do for insulting me? How amazingly hypocritical of you. I have learned that my family does not get a free pass to abuse me, nor am I going to candy-coat reality for their benefit. He came here and picked a fight he could have avoided, such behavior does not impress me.
“Of course we defend one another, that’s what couples do.” – The first thing here that makes any meaningful sense. Tho remember you’re just the woman my father is fucking that he decided to marry, you are not my mother.
“What is right is right.” – Yes, it is, but just because you want something to be right does not make it right. Why don’t you just go back to your little individualist life inside your bible with your elderly Republican friends. And keep fooling yourself into thinking that your little Leave it to Beaver world will last forever.
“We are only bad people in your small mind.” – No, you’re a bad person because your actions and beliefs make you a bad person. Think for example of why you come back here to fight with me after this long. Why did you bother? Because you just can’t let it go. You want to make sure and try to prove yourself right with your dying breath. The problem is you can’t prove it, you just fool yourself into thinking you’re right based on flawed logic. The small mind isn’t mine, it’s yours for ever thinking that this would end any way that would vindicate you. You’re just pouring gasoline on a lit match, brilliant of you.
“I am deleting your site so no sense in responding your childish gibberish.” – Promise? What is truly hilarious is you say this at the end of a post full of childish gibberish. (It’s even better that you screw up your response and say “in responding your” LITERALLY gibberish) Of course I’m sure to you it has meaning and power, but to me it’s just the crap ramblings of an old fool trying to think she can’t make an adult see things her way by using the debate tactics of a 3rd grader. This isn’t the playground during recess, logic and reason rule this world, and you have not shown much ability with either of them.
“I feel sorry for Sarah” – What exactly does she have to do with this? Oh, right, nothing at all. You’re just trying find something to use as an attack against me that follows your foolish rules on life. Try making a logical point next time, if you can.
I recall being nice and warning you that Torq was trouble. Then you come back and act like he’s your own son and that the firsthand information I had about his illegal activities was just me believing what other people had said.
When are you going to pull your head out of your ass and realize that you cannot change reality? When are you going to realize that you have passed your best years and let your mind slide into a morass? I would say if you were going to try and banter with me or insult me you should use basic logic and reason. But I know you too well to ask for what is apparently impossible.
August 10th, 2013 at 12:32 pm
They never charged him with the guns cause she is the one that bought them and they were in her name and she actually got in trouble so it got turned around. What Torq does is his business, he is gonna do what he wants to do, but he has a very successful business right now which his wife manages. As far as my son, he was in a dirt bike accident a year ago and is now a parapalegic so I would appreciate it if you never spoke of him again. We are going thru way too much as a family to worry about this shit.
August 10th, 2013 at 1:42 pm
Oh, another reply. Going to threaten to “delete my site” again when it suits you?
“They never charged him with the guns cause she is the one that bought them and they were in her name and she actually got in trouble so it got turned around.” – Imagine that, someone got in trouble hanging around a convicted felon that was still breaking the law. Don’t that beat all. And actually he WAS charged regarding guns, “Weapon misconduct” as a violation of his parole, FOUR COUNTS of it, and one count of forgery, get your facts straight if you’re going to try and shove them in my face. (Case CR2011-146465 at http://www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/ it’s public record)
“What Torq does is his business, he is gonna do what he wants to do, but he has a very successful business right now which his wife manages.” – His wife. Is this the same wife who’s Facebook account you wanted to break into? And she manages it while he’s back in prison? Yeah, I’m sure like everyone else in prison he didn’t do it. You see you care about those people you see as part of YOUR little circle and you defend them no matter what, without bothering to look at things logically. That’s what blind faith gets you I suppose. And remember, what *I* do is my business as well, and I am going to do what *I* want to do. But that only applies to Torq and not me, right? You somehow think you have the right to tell me what I do and do not do. How hypocritical, but that’s par for the course with you isn’t it?
“As far as my son, he was in a dirt bike accident a year ago and is now a parapalegic so I would appreciate it if you never spoke of him again.” – Not my problem now is it? You have the gall to come here to my site and repeatedly insult me, then ask that I never speak of your son again? Sorry, no, not going to happen. He made his choices, he and you now have to deal with the consequences. Not my fault he’s paralyzed, I shouldn’t have to spare any tears or my tax dollars for his care because of his choices. That *IS* the conservative view of the world today isn’t it, something tells me that you don’t like to apply it to yourself. You have never considered me part of your family, so do not expect me to care about yours now suddenly. Maybe you should be off taking care of him instead of coming back here to fight with me if he’s so fucking important to you. Or maybe you should have taught him not to do dangerous things like ride motorbikes in the first place, you seem to want to preach to me, how about you practice what you preach.
“We are going thru way too much as a family to worry about this shit.” – Yes, I know, you are a family and I’m not part of it anymore. I was never part of it, and I’m sick of faking it.
If you have SO MUCH to worry about then go away and stop fighting with me. How hard is that exactly? As my father said to me years ago “You just don’t know when to quit”, seems like now he should remember that himself and apply it to both of you.
August 10th, 2013 at 11:40 pm
Torq is remarried. I do take care of my son, nearly everyday. When I married your dad I was the one that defended you to the rest of the family Kevin. You could ask any one of them about that. But you believe what you want to believe. Just like having the insurance guy call us because you told him your dad would hang up on you. I had no clue what he was talking about regarding that insurance, your dad was driving at the time and he won’t talk on the phone while he is driving so I was unable to answer that guys questions but I assured him that your dad would never hang up on you and he still wouldn’t. I would be very upset with him if he did. I don’t care what you think of me but your dad is your dad and he does love you and I know you won’t ever believe this but I love you too. That doesn’t mean that we condone each others opinions or lifestyles. Every one should lead their lives in a way that makes them happy. You will always be welcome in our home and your phone calls will always be welcome. We were very happy when you and Sarah came for family get togethers and holidays. It seemed as tho you enjoyed my family. But you do what you want. Things aren’t always like what they appear to be. Enough said. I won’t bother you again. Writing here is just like texting. Too much gets lost in translation.
August 11th, 2013 at 1:46 am
“Torq is remarried.” – Glad someone out there likes men that are in prison. Not something I would know about.
“When I married your dad I was the one that defended you to the rest of the family Kevin. You could ask any one of them about that.” – I don’t recall asking you to. At the time I was still fooling myself that I might fit into the conservative side of things. The problem is one only fits into that world so long as long as they can fool themselves into thinking that reality is what they want to see, not what it really is. Can’t do that anymore, won’t do that anymore. I don’t need my family, I don’t need their judgments, I don’t need their conditional acceptance, I don’t need their lack of approval, all I need is me.
“But you believe what you want to believe.” – Seems to work for you, so I might as well do it too, right? Or rather, you disbelieve what you want to disbelieve, that does not however stop such things from being true. Like I said above, it only works if one changes their view of reality to fit what they want to believe.
“I don’t care what you think of me but your dad is your dad and he does love you” – Then let him wage his own battles with me over such things. I never had your absolute acceptance of family, and i never will. Deal with it. I’m sick of playing nice because other people tell me I should play nice. You two picked this fight, don’t try to pull some bullshit argument now and act like I’m the guilty party here and that “he loves me”. Love or family does not give one person special rights over the life of another.
You burned whatever bridge there was when you decided to defend Torq and throw shit at me when I had seen firsthand proof that he was back to fraud schemes. You picked someone else over me to trust, a convicted felon friend of your son rated higher on your “trust” scale than your husbands son did. So you remember that when you try to say that “family” is so fucking important to you next time, because by your own words you proved to me that is a lie. You showed that either #1 your family is only important to you when it agrees with your views or #2 I was not included in your family. Either way I’m not going to play that game. I don’t need people in my life that decide they’re going to shit on their friends, much less those that shit on people they say they consider family.
“But you do what you want.” – In case you had not already noticed I do, and in great abundance. It might come as a shock to you but I do not need your approval to do so.
“Things aren’t always like what they appear to be.” – And sometimes they are. Go to your mirror, look at yourself and say “Why am I posting on his site? What do I hope to accomplish?”. Because it certainly appears that you have no idea what you intend to accomplish here beyond picking a fight because you think you’re right and I’m wrong. Something tells me that appearance is in fact reality.
“Writing here is just like texting. Too much gets lost in translation.” – Welcome to the modern digital world. However if you recall in the “old” days people actually wrote letters on paper and got their points across quite nicely didn’t they. But this is just another personal judgement call isn’t it? “Boo, hoo, I can’t handle this online stuff!”, so it becomes “Call us. Then we can make you really feel guilty in a way we can’t do in print!”. Logic does not get lost in translation, rather it gets muddled in emotion, the media used is not the issue.
“Enough said. I won’t bother you again.” – Somehow I’m not putting money on that.
August 11th, 2013 at 10:27 am
(Reposted since it was cleared when I decided to ban their IP)
When I make a friend he is my friend throughout. That does not mean I agree with what he or she does, that just means I will always be their friend. Torq was always very nice to me and very respectful. So personally I have no reason to dislike him now because he makes poor decisions. He is the one who pays for it not me. He can pull all the fraudullant things he wants, it’s no skin off my back. He is a big boy and knows what is wrong and right. Neither one of us trust his judgement. We saw where he was headed and warned him but guess what. He didn’t listen. I was not choosing him over you in any way. I do look in the mirror and what I see is a kind person trying to make everything right in everyone elses world, sometimes forgetting that I count too. Torq likes living on the edge and as long as he feels this way who knows what the future has in store for him. But whatever happens I am still his friend. I don’t turn my back on my friends. You never asked me to defend you, I did it on my own because I wanted us to be a family. Your family was raised much differently than mine. It took me a while to figure that out. I sometimes feel as tho I am not accepted either but it don’t bother me, we don”t see that much of them. I don’t believe either of us intentionally started any type of fight. We were just trying to explain our side of things. Your dad did try to call you. Have you changed your number? I feel you are a very angry person and will always put words in my mouth that I would never say.I didn’t tell you to call us, I said you are welcome to call anytime. I do hate texting. I feel everyone that texts is hiding from something. Just like this writing stuff on here. We have no reason to make you feel guilty. Don’t know where you get half the stuff you say. I am happy you have found a place you can have friends for once in your life and enjoy. That’s what life is all about. You are right, you don’t need family for that.
August 11th, 2013 at 10:30 am
“Enough said. I won’t bother you again.” – So you’re a liar now aren’t you.
“I do look in the mirror and what I see is a kind person trying to make everything right in everyone elses world” – Ever stop to consider that perhaps you are not a kind person to everyone, just those people you want to be kind to? And secondly I do not think you are nearly as kind as you think you are. You are pushy, arrogant and judgmental, these are not traits of “kind” people.
“I was not choosing him over you in any way.” – Yes, you did. I have the emails to prove it. And you responded by insulting both my judgment and how I make a living. Sorry, not going to waste my time on people like that. You want to “make everything right”, Perhaps start with not acting like you are incapable of being wrong.
I guess one of us needs to have some quitting sense. It might as well be me.
The core of this disagreement is that you will not accept that I do not see the world the way you do. I am beginning to believe you are simply incapable of considering that other people have different values and views and that you might have ended up on the bad side of them through your own actions. Either they share your views or you try and drag them to your views. Perhaps it’s time to just say “Ok Kevin, you will never see the world the way I do. That’s fine, I should not expect that you will.” and end it. Since I know that will never happen I’m ending it and just banning you from the site.
August 17th, 2013 at 12:29 pm
Interesting thing my therapist said. “The issue here seems to be with your father, and it also seems he does not want to dialogue with you in the method you have chosen. This leaves it to his wife to do so, but your real issue isn’t with her. This only adds to your anger at him.”
True. My father has never embraced technology. Nor does he like to have conflict outside of his comfort zone. I think he doesn’t know how to really get along with people either.
Oh well, nothing I can do about it I guess.