Random Access Memories

February 11, 2008

Trek-tech, part 2

by @ 6:45 pm. Filed under Business

My replacement versamount came in today.

The whole unit too, not just a few odd parts to fix the old one.

I’m quite happy. Definitely more than I expected to get when I broke the thing in the first place.

And so the tactics begin

by @ 8:52 am. Filed under Crime & Justice, Personal, Politics

This morning I see in the news:

"The Pentagon has announced charges against six Guantanamo Bay prisoners over their alleged involvement in the 11 September 2001 attacks in the US. Prosecutors will seek the death penalty for the six, who include alleged plot mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The charges, the first for Guantanamo inmates directly related to 9/11, are expected to be heard by a controversial military tribunal system."

This is being sent to “The Convening Authority” and will take a minimum of 120 days before they return a decision.

One must think about this situation tho, it’s been 6.5 years since 9/11. Most of these detainees have been held in Gitmo for over 5 years. There is no serious reason to think that they just now came up with enough evidence to begin a trial.

I feel it’s an obvious attempt to sway the electorate before the November Presidential elections.

Furthermore I think these tactics are only going to get worse as the election grows closer.

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