Random Access Memories

January 22, 2008

Regarding Ferdinands

by @ 5:47 pm. Filed under Personal

So, a recent blog post I read by Kate Harding taught me about a childrens book I had never heard of before titled “The Story of Ferdinand”.

As one reviewer summed it up:

“Ferdinand is a little bull who much prefers sitting quietly under a cork tree just smelling the flowers to jumping around, snorting, and butting heads with other bulls.”

Now it seems to me this is the complete opposite of what Capitalists would want to teach their children. Their choice would be “Give Uncle Ringo Your Money, Now!” by Ringo Starr.

Personally I think it’s perfectly normal to not want to? be confrontational and competitive. However in modern US society,you’re either climbing the corporate ladder as fast as you can stepping on everyone else, or you’re a total slacker.

Then I guess i’m a slacker, because i’ll never be happy fighting my way anywhere, much less to the top.

Is there something truly wrong with wanting to just break even at the end of the day and enjoy yourself?

One Response to “Regarding Ferdinands”

  1. Jen Says:

    Youve never read the Story of Ferdinand? Its a cute story. The copy I had when I was a kid had great illustrations as well.

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