Random Access Memories

July 5, 2006

My Escrow, or “Why I dislike John Quaid”

by @ 7:49 am. Filed under Business, Personal

So, around a month ago I decided to sell my house.

The address so you can look it up was 7530 West Palmaire Ave, Glendale, AZ 85303.

My realtor recommended I put it in the market at $199.900, we got a flurry of interested parties, and a full-price offer the very next day. But, before we could take that offer a realtor came through and viewed it for her client who was not with her.

They offered $210,000. So we took that.
(If only I had known then what was going to happen)

Mr. John Quaid was the buyer. I made a critical mistake and did not look up his name on the Maricopa County Assessor’s site. He owns 3 other pieces of land near that house, and intends to put in luxury condos.

He also didn’t seem to realize that he would take $30,000 in penalties to break his $250k CD, which he did a day AFTER escrow was supposed to close.

Furthermore he didn’t know you have to wait 7-9 days after breaking a CD for the funds to become available.

Finally a week after the close date, after several threats from us he comes through with a cashiers check for the down payment he had to cover and it closed.

But I gotta say it was a very fucked-up trip indeed.

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